Wednesday, April 6, 2011

april art shows

This week has been a little rushed so far, but I am enjoying my last week of classes. On Friday I had a lovely time hanging photos up at Stellas for Gen & I's show 'Transitions'.

I always find it funny how much art work I make about time, spaces and change when in life change has always been a tough thing for me. I am a creature of habit, and anyone who knows me knows this to be true, I like to have a plan. I think it has my close-circle prepping for a post-university melt down of some kind. But I am avoiding that at all costs, it doesn't feel productive [hah]. I'm a lot better than I used to be with the "i need to know what comes next" thing; I've even been putting my ipod on shuffle [you may think this is a joke, but I like to see it as progress] hah.

Anyways, yesterday was a fantastic time painting shoes and going barefoot to raise awareness about TOMS shoes One for One movement. Needless to say I love being barefoot, painting, and charitable companies. So it was a good day!
rainy day collaboration with Gillian King

April brings a lot of art shows -- Open House* for U of M fine arts students is this Sunday (April 10th) from 12-5. Come out and walk around campus, check out the best of the entire Fine Arts faculty's work from 2010-2011.
*note that there will be a lot of nudity, other work that my be offensive to some so exercise caution when bringing children (or if you are like me in the past walking around with your grandma hah)

happy april everyone,

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