Thursday, November 4, 2010

family time

So for a long time I've been making art and photographs about the importance of family... but just to be clear I probably have a different notion of family than most people do. I'm talking about your support system, whether that group or person actually has any blood relation to you isn't the point for me.
I find the difference between siblings raised in the same circumstances fascinating, all of that birth order stuff, and just the specific gifts and destinies of each individual. I think that will always shine through and survive any rough patches, because at the end of the day you are who you are. Who you were created to be.
That brings me back to the whole "what do you consider family" thing; now for me lets be honest it has just a little bit to do with food. Once you feed me, I'll never leave. I'm like a stray that way. But just the ability to sit down and enjoy a meal and each others company is a huge deal for me.
I am very blessed in that I have a pretty great support system around me made up of many different families, friends and my real life immediate family. Though it not always roses at home, they still support me in what I want to do with my life, which for many art school kids is kind of a family deal breaker. I live at home rent free while I spend all my money and time painting, taking photos, and working at starbucks to make tuition. Its not the worst deal in the world.
I'm still figuring this all out in how it fits into my work this year, but its still a central focus for me. It all comes back to the value and purpose of each person, and how some kind of support is almost always necessary for that full potential to be reached.

So just a big THANK YOU to anyone who has ever fed me, liked a painting, or just given me encouragement and support.

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