Tuesday, February 1, 2011

february means studying, freezing and thank GOD some painting

So it is officially February, aka school mid-term explosion. Despite that I have been getting to the studio I feel like even more often than I was last term. Though that could be because I have my thesis review on Thursday this week (as a part of the mid-term fun). I am actually quite excited to get some feedback form my profs, as I have been branching out and doing some different things this year.
Some finished and not so finished things in my space as of today.

Also very exciting stuff my shoes are here! Now I have to make the final design choices and get them back for their exhibit by the 18th, its a good thing I am a girl who likes a deadline because I sure do have a lot of them in the next few weeks. I am very excited to be a part of this upcoming show.
This is a section of my BIG painting I've been working on, I have a love-hate thing going on with it right now. Working big has always been very challenging for me but I think once I get past all the scary-ness its going to be worth it. My work has been transitioning to be more about temporary spaces lately and how temporary often means ignored. I am beyond excited for my upcoming solo show in GoSA (Gallery of Student Art) in University Centre March 14th and I hope to complete this big monster of a painting long before then.

I will be studying my butt off in the mean time,


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